When my heart is right before God, the attitudes, motivations, and ambitions of those around me cannot prevent the favor of God in my life—and when my heart is right before him, his favor will spill over to bless those around me.

Genesis 39:3-4
“His master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord caused all that he did to succeed in his hands. So Joseph found favor in his sight and attended him, and he made him overseer of his house, and put him in charge of all that he had.”
What an amazing story of God’s blessing. Though Joseph was a slave, he was blessed by God. Though he was in a pagan land, his pagan master had to acknowledge the success that Joseph’s presence brought–and Potiphar’s self-interest led to doors of opportunity opening for Joseph.
The situation and circumstances were very imperfect–and yet Joseph walked in the favor of God.
As a child of God, I walk each day in divine favor. Despite ungodly people and circumstances around me, God’s blessing and favor are abundant in my life–and if I am walking in humility and integrity, then those around me will be blessed by God’s presence in me. When my heart is right before God, the attitudes, motivations, and ambitions of those around me cannot prevent the favor of God in my life—and when my heart is right before him, his favor will spill over to bless those around me.
God, thank you for this reminder of your favor! Help me to walk each day with integrity and a heart that honors you, no matter what the circumstances and situation may be. As I walk in you, may those around me by blessed by your presence in me.

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