Because the king abdicated his power, the prophet Jeremiah was unjustly imprisoned. Because the king abdicated his power, his family and royal officials lost their lives. Because the king abdicated his power, the entire nation suffered.

Jeremiah 38:5
“King Zedekiah said, “Behold, he is in your hands, for the king can do nothing against you.”
What a pitiful statement for a king to make!
“Do whatever you want to do, there’s nothing I can do to stop you. After all…I’m only the king!”
The king wasn’t omnipotent, but neither was he impotent. He carried authority and power from God, to be used for the benefit of the kingdom. Because the king abdicated his power, the prophet Jeremiah was unjustly imprisoned. Because the king abdicated his power, his family and royal officials lost their lives. Because the king abdicated his power, the entire nation suffered.
God has given me both authority, and responsibility to be stewarded and used for his glory. There are plenty of things that I can’t fix about the world, but I can’t just sit back and say “nothing I can do about it!”
In my family, on the job, in my church family…there are moments when a stand must be taken for that which honors God–and these are the moments for which God has entrusted authority to me. If I step back and abdicate my role, then I and those under my care will ultimately suffer for my inaction.
Like Zedekiah, I’m not responsible to fix every problem–but I am responsible to steward and use the authority God has given me, in a way which honors him.
God, thank you that your strength is enough! Help me never to slip into the trap of thinking that I am the savior, but also not to become complacent and abdicate the responsibilities that you’ve given me. May you be glorified in my life!

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