When I define my worth and my self-image by my influence over others, then I am not stewarding my influence in the right way–and my influence will very quickly break down into self-serving manipulation.

Galatians 6:13-15
13 For even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. 14 But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15 For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. 
Paul is reprimanding the Galatian believers here, for allowing manipulative people to put them back under the bondage of the law. They had experienced the grace of Christ, and now were reverting back to a mindset of works and performance. Paul calls out a deeper issue though–those who were pressuring the believers to become circumcised, were not putting this expectation on them for the benefit of the church. Rather, they were putting expectations on the believers out of a self-serving heart of pride. The influence and sway that these men held over the church was something that they boasted about, and fed their own ego. Paul on the other hand received his validation from following Christ–not by tallying up his influence on other people.
Where do I receive my validation? Do I measure my value based on the amount of influence I hold over others, the number of followers I have on social media, and the speed with which my sons obey me? If I am looking to these things for validation, then I need to take a hard look at my heart. When I define my worth and my self-image by my influence over others, then I am not stewarding my influence in the right way–and my influence will very quickly break down into self-serving manipulation.
Christ has entrusted me with influence in many areas of life–in relationships, in my family, on the job, and in the church. He’s not entrusted these things to me in order to feed my ego–but rather so that His plans would be accomplished through me. I cannot pursue the heart of Christ, while simultaneously working to feed my own pride! My validation, my self-worth, and my security must be found in nothing other than Christ himself.
This week, I need to be intentional to understand my value in the eyes of my creator.
He made me, He loves me, and He values me–and that’s all I need.  
God, thank you for loving me and valuing me! Help me to seek your validation instead of finding my self-worth in the things of this world. Help me to be worthy of your trust, in the things you have entrusted to me–to steward influence well, and daily point the world to you. 

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