When the enemy stirs up trouble, I need to still see the value in the people involved–because they are not the true source of the problem.

Revelation 11:10
“The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.” 
What foolishness! The earth is seen here, celebrating the death of two prophets of God–imagining that their death will mean the end of God’s judgement!
The source of the judgement was God, not his prophets. The world’s preoccupation with what they could see, blinded them to what they could not see–their own sin, and their need for a savior.
It’s easy to see the error in the world’s thinking in this passage–but how often am I guilty of the same mistake? When I see ungodly and carnal things being done, it’s easy to see the person involved as the source of the problem. I can begin to react in the situation, aiming my words and frustration at the individual–forgetting that the true enemy is the mindset and spirit behind their actions.
This week, I need to be mindful to not confuse the symptoms with the disease. When the enemy stirs up trouble, I need to still see the value in the people involved–because they are not the true source of the problem.
Conversely–when I am mistreated for following Christ, I need to be careful not to take it personally–because truly the attack is against God’s spirit in me, not against me. 
God, help me to live, speak ,and react with your heart–not seeing carnal and ungodly people as the enemy, but instead recognizing the mindset and spirit behind their words and actions.
When attacks come my way, help me to remember that the battle is yours–and that our spiritual enemy is warring against your spirit inside me.
Thank you for your presence and your power in every situation! 

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