God’s river is limitless in its capacity to provide what I need. The only restriction is on how much of the current I allow to flow through me to those who need to experience his abundant life.

Ezekiel 47:10-11
10 Fishermen will stand beside the sea. From Engedi to Eneglaim it will be a place for the spreading of nets. Its fish will be of very many kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea. 11 But its swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they are to be left for salt.
What a beautiful prophecy, of the river of life flowing from the altar of God! The spirit of God brings transformation as it flows–bringing life, sustenance, and provision. Yet this passage talks not only about the abundant blessing that the river of life brings…it also speaks of the salt marshes and swamps which remain unchanged. Why the distinction? What is it about the marsh and the swamp, which cause them to remain unchanged by the life-giving force of the river?
The difference between a river and a swamp, is that the river continues to flow. The movement is not restricted, and so the lifegiving nutrients and oxygen are able to accomplish their full effect. The swamp on the other hand, contains the same water as the river…but it doesn’t allow it to flow. It accepts what flows in, but allows nothing to flow back out–therefore the same nutrients which bring life in the river, eventually cause decay and stagnation in the swamp.
God’s spirit affects every life. His blessing and provision keeps on flowing, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust (Matt 5:45). The question is not whether God will bless me…but rather how will I respond? Will I allow his spirit to flow through me as I become part of his river of life…or will I stay on the edges of the river, afraid of the current? Will I allow my life to be a conduit of his blessing and provision to others…or will I selfishly allow his blessings to flow into my life while preventing any drop of provision from flowing out of my hands into those around me?
God’s river is limitless in its capacity to provide what I need. The only restriction is on how much of the current I allow to flow through me to those who need to experience his abundant life.
This week, I choose to make my life part of the river…not part of the swamp. I choose to take the risk of wading out into the swift current, to experience the power of God’s spirit at work. I choose to allow his spirit to move and flow through me, to affect those around me–and I choose to give as abundantly as he has given to me, trusting that his supply will never fall short or run out.
God, thank you for this reminder of the power of your Spirit! Give me the courage to experience the full measure of your river of life, to allow you to flow through me to impact the world with your love. Help me to always welcome your blessing with an open hand, ready to give generously of my time, my talent, and my treasure–just as you give so generously each day to me. May you be glorified in me as I become part of your river…instead of allowing my life to become a stagnant swamp.

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