There is no grief too great, and no suffering too terrible for God to bring comfort.  The comfort that God brings is not only adequate for the present suffering, but rather an over-abundance of comfort which is intended to be shared outward to others who are similarly suffering.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Though we may not see it in the moment, there is a purpose for the suffering that Christ allows. Suffering is not a result of God’s inattention in a situation, but rather a priceless resource that God uses and redeems in order to accomplish His divine purpose. He comforts his children in ALL affliction, not only some. There is no grief too great, and no suffering too terrible for God to bring comfort.
The comfort that God brings is not only adequate for the present suffering, but rather an over-abundance of comfort which is intended to be shared outward to others who are similarly suffering.
I don’t like suffering, and I don’t like affliction. When I am hurting, I simply want the hurting to stop! This passage reminds me though, that God has a purpose for the suffering that He allows me to endure. As Pastor Wayne often says, “God never wastes a tear!”
I must ‘set my hope’ on Christ in every affliction and challenge, trusting that he is able not only to sustain me and comfort me, but also to redeem the situation and use it to encourage and bring comfort to others who may be walking through a similar trial.
This process of bringing comfort to others, requires that my heart be at peace with God so that the situation is no longer all about me. If my attention is focused on my own pain, I cannot be a source of Holy Spirit comfort to those around me.
Today I choose to allow God to use the discomfort of my past hurts and present challenges, to bring comfort and strength to those around me.
God, thank you for your comfort which sustains me and empowers me in every situation! Help me today to comfort those around me, and I pray that you would receive glory through every painful season through which I’ve walked. I choose to fix my hope on you, knowing that you will never let me down.
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