It’s easy to focus my attention on what I think I lack– but what has God already placed in my hands? What resources has He already entrusted to me, that I have disregarded as ‘too small’, or ‘too insignificant’? It could be that I already hold a miracle, which simply hasn’t yet been released.




2 Kings 4:2

“And Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what have you in the house?”


This widow urgently needed help! It would have been easy for Elisha to look for other resources to bless her with. He could have started a Gofundme, or a meal train…instead he asked “what do you have in your house?” In other words, “What has God already put in your hands?”. Elisha understood that his role was not to provide new or different resources, or a different solution to her problem–but rather to reveal and unleash the miracle that God had already provided.


There are places where I see lack, and places where I need resources. It’s easy to focus my attention on what I think I lack– but what has God already placed in my hands? What resources has He already entrusted to me, that I have disregarded as ‘too small’, or ‘too insignificant’? It could be that I already hold a miracle, which simply hasn’t yet been released.

Today I choose to pay closer attention to the miracles that God has entrusted to me.


God, thank you for providing all that I need! Help me to see, recognize, understand, and rightly steward what you have placed in my hands. Help me to see the full potential of an unreleased miracle!


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