The power of the savior speaks for itself. His story needs no embellishment, no enhancement, no revision…but simply the honest conviction of a heart transformed.

2 Peter 1:16
“For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” 
The record of Jesus Christ in scripture is not a cleverly designed myth, but rather a simple and honest record from those who were witnesses of his majesty and power. The power of the savior speaks for itself. His story needs no embellishment, no enhancement, no revision…but simply the honest conviction of a heart transformed. 
I have seen the power of God in my life. I have experienced his transformation, his healing, his presence, and his provision. God has not asked me to be his screenplay writer, but simply his witness. The story being told is His story, not my own. This week, I must be intentional to allow his story to be told through me. I must be courageous to speak out the things that God has done in my life, so that his story could continue in the lives of those around me. 
God, thank you for the simple, honest truth that I read in your word. Thank you for your story of redemption told through the ages, which is still being told today. Give me boldness this week to bear witness to your greatness, and tell others about what you’ve done in my life! 

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