God has given each one the right gift, in the right measure, to fulfill the purpose for which he created each person.

Romans 12:6-7
“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching”
God gives grace for a reason. He instills gifts in each person–not to lie dormant, but to be fully utilized for his glory. He’s given each one the right gift, in the right measure, to fulfill the purpose for which he created each person.
God did not create me by accident, or from a box of spare parts! He designed and built me exactly as he saw fit, with strengths and weaknesses. He has given me a purpose, and equipped me with exactly the right gifts to accomplish what he’s called me to do. I must be bold to use my gifts for him, always leaning on the Giver for strength instead of relying on my own ability.
God, thank you for giving me a purpose in you! Give me confidence to serve you boldly, and may you alone receive the glory from my life!

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