Instead of trying to figure out how to fulfill God’s promise in my life, I must instead lock step with the promise-giver…trusting that His timing is perfect, and His promise will not fail.

Genesis 16:5
And Sarai said to Abram, “May the wrong done to me be on you! I gave my servant to your embrace, and when she saw that she had conceived, she looked on me with contempt. May the LORD judge between you and me!”
Abram and Sarai were eager for the fulfillment of God’s promise. It wasn’t going the way they expected, and so Sarai jumped in to help the process along: “Here Abram–take Hagar, and have a son with her! It’ll turn out just as good as if God had brought it to pass!”
Things didn’t turn out as Sarai expected, and now she had to deal with the results of her own decisions. The promise would still be fulfilled, but there were consequences and outcomes that now had to be dealt with.
I can relate to Sarai. When God’s promises don’t come to pass on my timing or on my terms, it’s easy to jump in and try to ‘fix’ the situation for God. Inevitably, my solution doesn’t turn out as well as his. I must choose to remember that God is faithful to fulfill His promise, and he doesn’t need me to solve the obstacles for him. Instead of trying to figure out how to fulfill His promise in my life, I must instead lock step with the promise-giver…trusting that His timing is perfect, and His promise will not fail.
God, thank you for your promises! Help me to trust you when I don’t yet see the fulfillment of your promise, and thank you for being greater than any obstacle! I choose to let you bring your better fulfillment, instead of scheming and stressing to implement my own solution.

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