Worship always costs something. The only question is who am I worshiping, and what price am I willing to pay? Am I worshiping earthly success, and paying an eternal price? Or am I paying a temporary price in this life, to worship the Creator and receive an eternal reward?
Matthew 4:9-10
“And he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Be gone, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.'”
There is a cost to worship. Jesus was faced with this cost when tempted–and he chose to pay the price of earthly power and authority in order to worship the Father. But truthfully, there would have been a corresponding cost if he had given in to temptation and worshiped the tempter: He would have had to pay the price of his relationship with the Father.
Worship always costs something. The only question is who am I worshiping, and what price am I willing to pay? Am I worshiping earthly success, and paying an eternal price? Or am I paying a temporary price in this life, to worship the Creator and receive an eternal reward?
I choose to worship God alone. The temporary rewards of this life, are simply not worth the cost!
God, may my heart be set on you alone–because you alone are worth of my worship!
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