I choose to celebrate what God is doing–not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. I choose to celebrate each outpouring of his spirit, each overflow of his provision and blessing, each example of his goodness…instead of playing the comparison game.

Luke 15:1-2
Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.”
The religious leaders complained about Jesus spending time around ‘unholy’ people. Jesus (knowing their heart) didn’t just react to their words–he spoke to the heart of their complaint. In the next two parables, Jesus confronted what was truly going on in their heart: Not just irritation that he was spending time around sinners, but even more-so a heart of jealousy that Jesus was not devoting his full attention to their own expectations and demands. How dare he spend time with sinners, when the ‘holy’ and ‘worthy’ people clearly needed his time for far more noble reasons?
Jesus reminded them that a faithful shepherd cares about the whole flock–even those who wander away. He hadn’t come to satisfy the whims of the self-righteous…but to redeem the lost and restore them to a right relationship with the Father.
A heart of jealousy is a dangerous thing, because it always presents itself in such a logical and reasonable way. Jealousy never comes right out and announces its presence–it creeps in quietly and then goes to work comparing, contrasting, and weighing what I have versus what I think is owed to me. One of the clearest ways for me to recognize when jealousy is at work, is in my reaction to God’s work in someone else’s life. Do I truly and honestly celebrate what God is doing in them…or do I begin to compare it with what God is doing in my own life?
This week, I choose to celebrate what God is doing–not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. I choose to celebrate each outpouring of his spirit, each overflow of his provision and blessing, each example of his goodness.
God, thank you for your goodness which knows no end. Thank you for blessing your children, and for pursuing those that are lost so that they might be restored to relationship with you. Thank you for every blessing that you’ve given me, and I choose this week to live with a heart of gratefulness instead of letting the seeds of jealousy and comparison take root in my heart.
You are good, and your mercy endures forever!

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