Worshiping God often involves communication and planning as much as it involves sacrifices and altars. Our worship was not intended to be a solo sport–it was intended to involve every one of us glorifying God as only we can, in unity together. This kind of unified worship can only happen when those who are called to lead fulfill their calling with excellence in the mundane details behind the scenes, as well as in the highly visible and public ways.

Ezekiel 45:10-12
10 “You shall have just balances, a just ephah, and a just bath. 11 The ephah and the bath shall be of the same measure, the bath containing one tenth of a homer, and the ephah one tenth of a homer; the homer shall be the standard measure. 12 The shekel shall be twenty gerahs; twenty shekels plus twenty-five shekels plus fifteen shekels shall be your mina.
In this passage, God is giving instructions to the princes of Judah on how to honor God as a ruler of the nation. He gives specific instructions on leading the people with justice, respecting personal property, and other things that pertained to the life of a prince–and then God gives specific instructions on the establishment of accurate units of measurement. Why was this such a big deal to God? Why did He care about how many ephahs go into a homer?
The answer seems to be in verse 13. The standardized units of measure that God prescribed, were then used to give detailed parameters for the offerings that God required. Without honest units of measurement, business could not be conducted with integrity. Without honest units of measurement, tension and accusations would have flared between merchants and traders. And without honest units of measurement, the people would have been left without a way to know if they were fulfilling God’s instructions for worship.
It’s way more fun to be the guy wheeling and dealing and making sales, than to be the guy who arrives at the store before sunrise to make sure that the produce scales are calibrated. It’s more glamorous to be the one charging the enemy line, than to be the one verifying map coordinates and distances. And it can seem much more exciting to be the one praying with people, sharing God’s word, and teaching the Good News than to be the one working late to pray over strategy, send emails to the team, and make sure the calendar is updated.
But the truth is that worshiping God often involves communication and planning as much as it involves sacrifices and altars. Our worship was not intended to be a solo sport–it was intended to involve every one of us glorifying God as only we can, in unity together. This kind of unified worship can only happen when those who are called to lead fulfill their calling with excellence in the mundane details behind the scenes, as well as in the highly visible and public ways. This kind of unified worship requires servant-hearted leaders who care enough to keep the weights accurate, the scales calibrated, the calendar updated, and the communication accurate and timely.
This week, I need to worship God in every facet of what I am called to do–both in the public and visible things, and also in the mundane details which allow the Body to worship in unity.
God, thank you for this reminder that the devil isn’t in the details…You are! Help me to serve you with excellence–with my communication, with my planning, with my time management, and with the details of my day. You are worthy of the best that I can give!

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