In the middle of stress, anxiety, chaos, tensions, and even an assassination attempt today on a presidential candidate…today’s SOAP reading reminded of the Biblical survival strategy for crazy times.




Hebrews 10:23-25

23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.


The child of God knows where their hope comes from. The child of God stirs things up–not for turmoil and chaos, but for love and good works. The child of God knows the power of community when things get crazy.


What a timely scripture for today! In the middle of stress, anxiety, chaos, tensions, and even an assassination attempt today on a presidential candidate…I am reminded of three critical things:

    • Hold fast to my source of hope. I do not need to lose hope–and I cannot afford to put my hope in the wrong things.
    • Stir up the right things, not the popular things. There are many voices stirring up many things right now on the news and on social media. Christ has called me to rise above the chaos, and ‘stir up’ love and good works which glorify God.
    • Lean into community when things get crazy. When everything goes nuts, it’s time to lean into relationship with those whom Christ has placed in my life. It’s not time to withdraw and isolate, or to allow pettiness to fracture my relationships. It’s time to hang on tightly to the family of God!

Today I choose to apply Jesus’ recipe for navigating crazy times. I know that God is sovereign, and He will be glorified.


God, thank you for this reminder of the right way to navigate life when things get crazy! I pray today for your peace on our nation–but I choose to be an agent of your peace in the small circle that I influence. Help me to stir up the right things! Help me to fix my hope on you, and not on anything else. Help me to lean into community, and value those that you’ve placed in my life. Above all, may you be glorified!


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