Even in painful moments, there’s a peace and a certainty in knowing the things that will never change. God’s love for me will never change. God’s promises for me will never change. God’s faithfulness will never change.
Instead of allowing my life to be shaken by the things that change, I choose instead to stand firm on the God who will never change.
Joshua 1:2-3
2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel. 3 Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.
Moses was dead. There were some things that had changed for Israel, and would never be the same as they had been. Moses was dead, and he would never again lead them across the wilderness. Moses was dead, and he would never again walk down from the mountain with tablets from God to give instruction to the people.
Moses was dead…but there were some things which would never change. God’s promise would never change. God’s future for his people would never change. God’s faithfulness would never change.
Though everything seemed to be changing for this generation of people who had only ever known Moses as their leader, there was certainty for their future because of the things that would never change.
Loss is never enjoyable, and change is rarely fun. When people on whom I’ve leaned and trusted move away or die, there’s a void left behind and an element of pain in the grieving process. There’s an aching knowledge that some things will never be the same again.
Yet even in those painful moments, there’s a peace and a certainty in knowing the things that will never change. God’s love for me will never change. God’s promises for me will never change. God’s faithfulness will never change.
Instead of allowing my life to be shaken by the things that change, I choose instead to stand firm on the thing that will never change. I thank God for those who have gone before me and lived a life of faithful service in the Kingdom, and I choose to follow their example of steadfast commitment to the God who does not change.
Moses is dead…and it’s time to take a step of faith into the Jordan river.
God, thank you for being the unchanging God! Thank you for giving me peace and certainty when everything seems to be changing, and thank you for the reminder that you are faithful through every storm and every season! Help me today to have the courage to step out in faith when you give the command, so that I could experience the fulness of your promises in my life. Thank you for the example set by those who have gone before me, and for leaders who have demonstrated a life of faith!
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