There are tasks to be done, and calendars to manage. There are responsibilities to juggle, and emergencies to deal with. But none of them hold a candle to the importance of keeping my attention fixed on the eternity before me when this life ends.
Genesis 47:8-9a
8 And Pharaoh said to Jacob, “How many are the days of the years of your life?” 9 And Jacob said to Pharaoh, “The days of the years of my sojourning are 130 years…
Jacob’s response to Pharaoh showed a remarkable insight into his view on life. He didn’t say ‘My life has been 130 years’…rather, he said ‘my sojourning has been 130 years’. To ‘sojourn’ in his day was to journey as a traveler, or to live as an immigrant in a foreign land. Jacob viewed his entire life (all 130 years!) as merely a journey toward a destination, a visit to a place that was not his true home. Though his life on earth was far longer than any of us would dare to dream of today, he still kept his eyes on eternity.
I had the privilege a few days ago of visiting and praying with a precious saint in the church family who was nearing the end of his journey on earth. He had experienced many amazing things, and lived a full life. He had stories he loved to tell, and accomplishments that many could not hope to match. Yet the thing that I have always appreciated the most about him, is that he kept his eyes on eternity. He knew that this life, whether long or short, is not forever–and that the eternity before us is what gives meaning to these short years here on earth.
Last night, his journey ended. And I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that right now he is glad that he spent his 92 years here on earth…looking toward eternity.
Today, I choose to keep life in perspective. There are tasks to be done, and calendars to manage. There are responsibilities to juggle, and emergencies to deal with. But none of them hold a candle to the importance of keeping my attention fixed on the eternity before me when this life ends.
God, thank you for the hope that I find in Jesus Christ! Thank you for the peace of knowing that my eternal future is secure, because of the price that you paid for my sin. Help me to keep my eyes on eternity, rather than letting my attention be consumed by the hustle and bustle and meaningless busyness of a life focused on this earth. Keep my eyes on eternity, and give me the grace and wisdom to point others to an eternity with you as well.

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