The voice of the Holy Spirit is available to guide me. I must choose daily to seek counsel from the Counselor so that I can walk with confidence through the things that are unknown to me.
Joshua 9:14-15
“So the men took some of the provisions, but did not ask counsel from the Lord. And Joshua made peace with them and made a covenant with them, to let them live, and the leaders of the congregation swore to them.”
The men of Israel considered, but they did not consult God. They pondered, but they did not pray.
Though divine wisdom was available to them, they instead navigated by their own understanding.
Some situations don’t seem like a big deal, but they have far-reaching consequences. When I live life by my own understanding and knowledge, it’s like driving at high speed down a dark highway with only a single dim headlight to illuminate the road…I simply don’t have enough foresight about what lies ahead, to avoid disaster!
The Holy Spirit offers me wisdom and counsel about the road ahead, far in advance of my own limited understanding. Yet I must seek His voice and pay attention to His prompting in order to benefit from His presence.
This week, I choose to seek counsel from the Counselor so that I can walk with confidence through the things that are unknown to me.
God, thank you for your voice and your holy wisdom! Help me to remember each day to seek your voice to lead and guide me rather than leaning on my own wisdom.
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