Godly leadership points back to the heart of God. It defines what is right and what is wrong, what is Godly and what is self-serving. It changes the status quo, and establishes a clear direction.

Judges 21:25
“In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
What a sad lament of the state of Israel! No king, no unifying leader. No loyalty to God’s law, no moral compass. The only thing remaining, was for each one to do what was right ‘in his own eyes’.
Godly leadership points back to the heart of God. It defines what is right and what is wrong, what is Godly and what is self-serving. It changes the status quo, and establishes a clear direction.
Mankind chafes against restriction. There is something in us that seems to automatically respond “but I want to!”, when we are told “you can’t”. The purpose of Godly leadership is to point people in a different direction than they would have gone. The purpose is to bring unity out of chaos, so that greater things can happen.
…Yet it is so easy to resent, push back, and reject those whom God has called to lead. In my life, I must choose to welcome those that God has placed in my life to alter my direction. I must desire to please God more than my own desires–because “I want to” isn’t a good enough justification.
In the areas where God has called me to lead, I must be courageous to establish a course and direction toward the heart of God–knowing that conflict and disagreement is inevitable on the journey, and must be navigated in a Christlike way. The world doesn’t need more leaders who turn a blind eye to wickedness, but rather who will model and teach a life that does what is right ‘in the eyes of God’.
Help me Lord to align my heart with that which is right in your eyes! May pleasing you always take a higher priority than my own desires and motivations. Help me to lead well, where you have called me–to always point people to you, and not turn a blind eye to disunity and sinful decisions. Thank you for your righteousness, and your patience with me!

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