Rest (like all of creation) was designed and instituted by God for his glory, and for our benefit.

Genesis 2:1
“…on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.”
“God rested” – What a startling announcement, that the almighty God who spoke the universe into existence should slow his pace and rest! God’s work in creation was done, but there was infinitely more work left to be done. He clearly had no compelling need to rest–he didn’t drop into his easy chair, exhausted from creating the world. Rather, he established and created something new even in his rest: He created a pattern and a rhythm, an ebb and flow to the pace of life. Rest (like all of creation) was designed and instituted by God for his glory, and for our benefit.
Too often I find myself with an unhealthy view of rest. Either I avoid it as an inconvenience, or I drop into the uneasy rest of guilt, feeling as though I should still be working. This passage reminds me that rest is holy, and it honors God. Just as God hit ‘pause’ before beginning the next thing, I must be intentional to acknowledge the pause in between days, and seasons, and moments.
Rest humbles me, it keeps me healthy, and it honors God. Rest is holy!
God, thank you for rest! Help me never to disregard this precious gift you’ve given me. This week, help me to move at your pace and at your rhythm–and help me to honor you with my ‘pause’ moments.

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