Jesus didn’t feel the need to constantly speak–he was very comfortable listening, and used skillful questions to nudge people toward the truth and reveal their hearts.

Luke 10:25-26
“And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What is written in the law? How do you read it?”
This lawyer wanted to put Jesus to the test, and ended up being tested by Jesus instead. Jesus had such an amazing way of answering questions with question, instead of allowing others to manipulate him or back him into a corner. Jesus didn’t feel the need to constantly speak–he was very comfortable listening, and used skillful questions to nudge people toward the truth and reveal their hearts.
I need to be cautious of speaking and responding hastily. Not everyone who asks a question does so with right motives, or with a heart to learn truth. There are many who will ask questions or try to start a conversation in order to test me or manipulate my words. Our society loves to do this!
Like Jesus, I can’t avoid this kind of people–but I can be wise in how I respond to them. Instead of responding reactively or hastily, I need to take a little more time to listen. Instead of feeling obligated to answer, I need to become more comfortable using questions to dig deeper into the ‘heart stuff’ so that God can accomplish what he desires.
God, give me wisdom this week to speak in a way which honors you–and to listen in a way which leads others to your truth.

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