Our SOAP journal is brought to you today by Rae Takiue. Rae is a hard-working mama, a gifted hula dancer, and a strong woman of God. She has a passion to glorify God with her life story. 
When Jesus heard him, he stopped and ordered that the man be brought to him. As the man came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord,” he said, “I want to see!” And Jesus said, “All right, receive your sight! Your faith has healed you.” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus, praising God. And all who saw it praised God, too.
Luke 18:40‭-‬43 NLT
This blind beggar cried out to Jesus no matter how much everyone told him to be quiet. He probably felt like the least deserving man to be healed…a blind beggar that even regular people would not give the time of day to but his desire and faith to be healed was greater than his shame or fear. He called out to Jesus and Jesus healed him, but it did not end there. He followed Jesus and praised God, and everyone started to praise God too. 
Sometimes we get our miracle, or answered prayer and we forget the faith we clung to so strongly because our struggling is done. I need to praise God even on my best days because Jesus saved me on my worst days. I need to share my testimony so that others can find hope in them. 
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all that you do for me. I don’t deserve any of this but you still cover me with your love and I am so humbled and grateful.
God help me to remember where I’ve been and what I’ve been through so I may have a grateful heart full of faith and hope at all times. God use me to show others your goodness and faithfulness to them too.

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