I can either choose to carry offense, or I can carry God’s blessing–but I cannot carry offense and blessing at the same time.

Matthew 15:12,25-26
“Then the disciples came to him and asked, ‘Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?'”
“The woman came and knelt before him. ‘Lord, help me!’ she said. He replied, ‘It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.'” 
Offense. What a contrast here: The Pharisees come and begin criticizing the disciples of Jesus, yet they get offended when Jesus points them back to the heart of God’s law. Then we see the Canaanite woman come to Jesus with a humble cry for help, and he calls her a ‘dog’! If anyone had the right to be offended, it was her. Yet at the end of the story she receives her request, and the Pharisees remain offended.
The Pharisees chose to take on offense, and missed a moment of transformation.
The woman chose not to pick up offense, and received what she needed from God. 
I have opportunities daily to take on offense. Offense from how people speak to me…or don’t speak to me. Offense from how people treat me…or look at me…or talk about me. I can even take on offense at the word of God if I choose to. My level of offense is not determined by my situation–it is decided by my own heart. I can either choose to carry offense, or I can carry God’s blessing–but I cannot carry offense and blessing at the same time.
This week, I choose to set down offense so that God can continue to transform me into his image. I choose not to carry offense, so I can carry His blessing instead. 
God, help me to live a life free from offense. Show me where I may be carrying offense in my heart, so I can lay it down at your feet. When there are opportunities for me to take up offense, help me to choose to carry your blessing instead. 

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