My walk with God is not just about me: It’s about giving God my all, so that He can fully use me for His purpose in the lives of those around me. This week, I choose to love my family well by walking in full surrender to my God.
1 Corinthians 7:13-14
If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
Each person is called to a personal relationship with the Savior–but though the relationship is personal, it has far greater impact and reach than merely that individual person’s life. The effect of a believer on their unbelieving spouse is incalculable! The effect of a believing parent on their children cannot be computed.
Though each child of God is called to individual relationship, each one also carries the weight of community and family impact.
As a father, it’s a sobering thought to realize how much my own walk with God will affect my family. When my heart is off track, it affects far more than just me–it also takes a toll on my wife, my sons, and those in community around me. Conversely, when my heart is right before God then my family all reap the benefits of His Spirit operating through me.
I can’t live for God ‘for others’–yet the weight of responsibility is still there to allow them to experience God’s best in their lives, by fully submitting my own heart to my King. My walk with God is not just about me: It’s about giving God my all, so that He can fully use me for His purpose in the lives of those around me.
This week, I choose to love my family well by walking in full surrender to my God.
God, help me to walk daily in total surrender to you–not merely going through the motions of living for you because of those around me, but instead truly and honestly surrendering my heart to you because you are the Lord of my life. As I live each day for you, I ask that you would bless my wife and sons through me. May they reap the benefits of my heart being right before you!
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