My social media metrics, my finely-tuned Call of Duty reflexes, and my secret recipe for smoked beef brisket are tools to be used in connecting people with God–but alone, they hold no eternal value. Today I choose to pursue success in eternal things, rather than things that can’t last and hold no Kingdom value.




Isaiah 5:22

“Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine, and valiant men in mixing strong drink…”


This entire passage is a confrontation of those on whom God’s judgement was about to fall, because of their wicked ways. …and there in the middle of the list, are the ‘heroes at drinking wine’! They had a claim to fame, and a reputation for being the life of the party…but they were famous for foolishness, and highly skilled at meaningless things.


This passage makes me ponder: what are the skills I’ve highly developed, which are worthless in God’s eyes? What are the things in which I’ve invested countless hours–and perhaps even worn as a badge of honor and acclaim, which matter not one bit in eternity?

Jesus himself used wine–but he was a hero of grace and righteousness, not a hero of drinking wine.

My social media metrics, my finely-tuned Call of Duty reflexes, and my secret recipe for smoked beef brisket are tools to be used in connecting people with God–but alone, they hold no eternal value.

Today I choose to pursue success in eternal things, rather than things that can’t last and hold no Kingdom value.


God, I don’t want to waste my life trying to be a hero of meaningless things! Help me to invest my time in that which has eternal value, so that I would be useful to my Master!


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