When truth is not loved, lies, error, and deception become acceptable. When lies are acceptable, Satan’s work flourishes.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
Truth: It’s such a simple concept, and yet so vastly powerful. Jesus declared himself to be ‘the truth’, and truth is at the center of God’s very nature. Those who do not ‘love the truth’ have separated themselves from God, because they have decided not to align with the core of who God is. When truth is not loved, lies, error, and deception become acceptable. When lies are acceptable, Satan’s work flourishes.
What a sobering reminder of how critically important truth is! It’s easy to say ‘truth matters’ on the big stuff…but a love for truth must permeate every part of my heart and my thinking, if I am to follow God.
I must approach God in full truth about my own sinful condition. I must build my marriage and my relationships on truth, and not on hidden secrets. I must interact with the world on an unshakeable foundation of truth, not living my life with duplicity and hidden motives or agendas. I must value truth in the things which I allow to occupy my mind–instead of letting my thoughts be saturated by the false ideals and teachings of the world. I must celebrate truth in what I propagate–not sharing or spreading information that is false, or of questionable origin…even if it seems to support my opinions. When God is confronting areas in my heart that need to change, I must be willing to acknowledge truth about my imperfection so that His transformation can be accomplished in me.
When I love the truth, I will pursue it above all else–and the Spirit of Truth will lead me closer each day to the Father from whom truth flows.
God, thank you that you are true. Help me to live each day with an unwavering love for truth, which guides my steps and defines my words and actions. Help me to discern truth when I am uncertain, and give me the courage to walk confidently in truth even when error would be easier. May the work of Satan never be given an opportunity to flourish in me, as I walk daily in the Spirit of Truth.
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