He first loved me, and I can do no less than love him in return!

‘Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach.’
‘For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. ‘
 God is not in the business of punishing us for not meeting unrealistic expectations. His desire is that we would “live and increase”, and that He would be able to bless the things that we do. These things are able to come to pass in our lives when we love God, obey Him, and keep His commands, decrees, and laws.  Today we are free from the old covenant with its ceremonial restrictions and limitations–but God’s desire to bless us as we follow and obey Him has not changed.
 My heavenly Father desires to bless me. His ability to bless me is limited only by my submission to Him. His expectations for me are clearly defined, and achievable. Even when my own strength runs out, his Holy Spirit is within me to lead, guide, strengthen, and empower me. Walking in His blessing doesn’t start with me trying to ‘earn’ his favor, but simply with loving him–and accepting his love for me.
This week, I need to center my heart on daily living out my love for God. He first loved me, and I can do no less than love him in return!
 God, thank you for loving me! Thank you for not setting unrealistic expectations or demands for my life–but rather, you love me and desire to bless me. Help me to daily walk in love for you instead of trying to earn your favor. I love you, and I want to demonstrate it each day that I live!
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