In spite of their imperfections, Jesus kept loving and leading his disciples–and he kept teaching them to celebrate Kingdom wins.

Luke 9:49-50
“John answered, ‘Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us’. But Jesus said to him, ‘Do not stop him, for the one who is not against you is for you’.”
I’m fascinated by the subplot in this chapter. Jesus specifically gives the Twelve authority over ‘all demons’, and sends them out. Shortly after, they return and encounter a demon that they seem powerless to cast out! As they’re processing this unexpected twist, they hear about someone else who is casting out demons in the name of Jesus…and this other guy is succeeding! They try to stop the guy, but Jesus prevents them and teaches them to look for the ‘Kingdom win’ instead.
I’m grateful for these glimpses of Jesus’ patience with his disciples! They battled pride, personal agendas, conflict, offense, and all the other things that I must also confront in my life. In spite of their imperfections, Jesus kept loving and leading them–and he kept teaching them to celebrate Kingdom wins.
This week, I choose to stay teachable rather than taking offense when things don’t go as I expect. I choose to celebrate Kingdom wins, so that they King would be glorified.
God, thank you for your patience with me! Help me to be teachable this week instead of arrogant–and give me a heart to always seek and celebrate Kingdom wins, rather than personal affirmation and recognition.

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