Joy and generosity are a condition of the heart, not a result of circumstance. 

2 Corinthians 8:2
“In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.” 
Joy is not prevented by trial, nor is generosity hindered by poverty. Both are a condition of the heart, not a result of circumstance. 
God has given me His joy, and He desires for me to live with the same generosity that He displays. If I don’t see these things at work in my life, then I cannot blame my circumstances or season. Through Christ, I have the freedom to let his joy overflow within me and his generosity flow through me day by day.
This week, I choose to walk in joy and live with generosity so that the world would see Christ in me. 
God, thank you for your joy and for the ability to live a generous life. Help me not to allow my situation, season, or circumstances to steal my joy, or prevent me from living out your generosity!

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