I must pay close attention to what God is doing. Is he moving forward? Is he remaining still for a time? My life must be so closely connected to his heart, that his steps become my own. When I do that, I can navigate even the hostile wilderness with confidence–because the cloud of God’s glory and power will lead the way.
Exodus 40:36-38
36 Throughout all their journeys, whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out. 37 But if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not set out till the day that it was taken up. 38 For the cloud of the LORD was on the tabernacle by day, and fire was in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their journeys.
The people of Israel kept God in sight and in mind. When God moved, they moved. When God didn’t move, they stayed put. The tabernacle was ‘in the sight of all the house of Israel’ at all times.
I’ve gotten out of step with God many times…and it never works out well. Whether I’m charging ahead faster than he is leading, or lagging behind him as he moves forward, or even when I’m heading in a completely different direction, life just doesn’t work out well when I’m not in step with God.
The only way I can stay in step with him, is to make sure that I’m watching him at all times. If I’m not paying attention to what God is doing, I can’t stay in sync! Like playing my guitar without listening to the drummer, my life will inevitably drift out of sync with the reference point.
This week, I must pay close attention to what God is doing. Is he moving forward? Is he remaining still for a time? My life must be so closely connected to his heart, that his steps become my own. When I do that, I can navigate even the hostile wilderness with confidence–because the cloud of God’s glory and power will lead the way.
God, thank you for the presence of your Holy Spirit! Lead me this week I pray, through every situation and circumstance. May I not lag behind when you are moving forward, nor charge ahead when you remain still. Help me to clearly see you move, so that I would stay in sync with you!

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