Against the force of united godlessness, Micaiah’s integrity required him to be the voice of holy discord.

1 Kings 22:13-14
13 And the messenger who went to summon Micaiah said to him, “Behold, the words of the prophets with one accord are favorable to the king. Let your word be like the word of one of them, and speak favorably.” 14 But Micaiah said, “As the LORD lives, what the LORD says to me, that I will speak.” 
Four hundred men who called themselves prophets had been gathered by the king, and had all given the same answer: “Go for it! You will be victorious!”  Yet something was still nagging at the back of the king’s mind…Micaiah had not yet responded.
Micaiah was summoned, and pressured to give the same answer which the 400 had given. Although he was outnumbered, Micaiah cared more about the true word of the Lord than he did about the pressure around him. Against the force of united godlessness, his integrity required him to be the voice of holy discord.

It’s not easy to stand for truth, when the surrounding voices are united in falsehood. It’s not easy to stand for righteousness, when facing unified wickedness. It’s not easy to be the voice of holy discord.
I must care more about ‘what the Lord says’, than about what the popular narrative says. Despite popular opinion and ‘commonly accepted facts’, God’s truth stands unchanged and unshaken.
This week, I need to listen for ‘what the Lord says’–and speak the same. Not entering conflict for the sake of proving a point, but rather standing on truth for the sake of a lost world who need to hear the voice of the Savior.
God, thank you for your voice and your word which guide me. Give me boldness to stand for truth, when error is more popular. When differences arise, help me to make a difference in the world for your kingdom- rather than just proving a point for my own self-satisfaction. When necessary, give me wisdom and strength to be the voice of holy discord in a way which honors you.

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