Elihu’s lack of compassion turned what should have been a time to offer comfort and encouragement to Job, into a chance to vent his own anger and frustration.
Job 32:18-20
18 For I am full of words; the spirit within me constrains me. 19 Behold, my belly is like wine that has no vent; like new wineskins ready to burst. 20 I must speak, that I may find relief; I must open my lips and answer.
Job’s friend Elihu seems to have struggled with his listening skills. Though he had taken time to hear the words of Job and the rest of his friends, he wasn’t listening to hear them–he was listening in order to reply. He had originally come to comfort Job–yet he allowed his anger to be stirred instead of his compassion, and now all he could do was sit there biting his tongue until his turn came to speak. His lack of compassion turned what should have been a time to offer comfort and encouragement to Job, into a chance to vent his own anger and frustration.
Like Elihu, I find myself from time to time listening merely in order to decide what I’m going to say. Though my ears hear the words being spoken to me, I’m not actually ‘hearing’ the person speaking–I’m simply waiting to get a word in edgewise. What this actually means, is that I don’t care about what the other person is trying to say–they have become merely an impediment to my own ability to express my thoughts.
I must daily make the decision to walk with a heart of compassion, so that I could truly hear what people are saying. The heart of Jesus was moved by compassion, and mine must be also if I am going to share His love and teach His truth.
This week, I choose to listen in order to hear–instead of listening in order to speak.
God, thank you for hearing me when I call on you! Thank you for your heart of compassion. Help me this week to value and love people, and to take the time to hear their heart instead of merely trying to make my voice heard.
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