There are seasons and storms that I’ve faced, and felt completely alone. There are waves that have crashed on top of me, and I didn’t see anyone else next to me. But the truth is that I never have (and never will) face life’s storms alone–because THE SAVIOR SEES ME.
Mark 6:47-48a
47 And when evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land. 48 And he saw that they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea.
The disciples were battling the wind and waves throughout the night, and Jesus was nowhere around. They were working, struggling, fighting to make progress…and Jesus saw them. I don’t know how, but he saw them! Though the night was dark and the wind was howling, he had not taken his eyes off of his disciples. Though they saw no one in the boat with them, they were not facing the storm alone.
Loneliness in a struggle is one of the worst things to experience. Being alone is not always bad–but loneliness is a whole different issue. There are seasons and storms that I’ve faced, and felt completely alone. There are waves that have crashed on top of me, and I didn’t see anyone else next to me. But the truth is that I never have (and never will) face life’s storms alone–because THE SAVIOR SEES ME. Even when I don’t see him, HE SEES ME. Even when things are dark…HE SEES ME. Even when I’m feeling adrift…HE SEES ME. Even on sleepless nights…HE SEES ME. And more than just seeing me…he has a personal interest in bringing me safely through the storms that I face.
This week, I choose to trust the one who sees me. I choose to rely on his strength, and rest in the peace of knowing that the wind and waves are not greater than the one who spoke the world into existence, and who speaks the storms into calm seas.
God, thank you for seeing me! Thank you for being present and for being strong even when I don’t see you. I choose today to trust you in every storm, knowing that there is no situation I could face which is beyond your ability to bring me safely through.

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