When under fire I must trust that God is accomplishing something greater than I can currently see or comprehend, and simply say ‘yes!’ to His sovereignty and authority.
Today I choose to glorify my Lord by surrendering to His plan…instead of becoming defensive.
Isaiah 53:7 – 7
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.
Jesus faced opposition, false accusations, violence, and malicious behavior in this sham of a trial–yet ‘he opened not his mouth’
How could he stand there in such unshakeable peace and self-control?! He understood that his life was not subject to the whims of an angry crowd, but rather his life was subject to the unchanging, sovereign will of his Father. His certainty of the Father’s love enabled him to love his enemies and endure unimaginable suffering.
In Matthew 5 Jesus instructed us to love our enemies, and do good to those who mistreat us. This seems so far beyond my ability! When I am attacked and accused I want to lash out in retaliation, defend myself, and set the record straight. This passage challenges me to instead follow Jesus’ example, and serve the Father’s plan even when I am accused or mistreated. I must trust that God is accomplishing something greater than I can currently see or comprehend, and simply say ‘yes!’ to His sovereignty and authority.
Today I choose to glorify my Lord by surrendering to His plan…instead of becoming defensive.
God, this is a difficult one! My flesh doesn’t like it when I am accused and mistreated! Help me this week to walk in victory and surrender to your plan, instead of developing a victim mindset by carrying offense and defending myself. May You be glorified in me!
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