It’s far simpler and safer to merely be hospitable to people as guests–but God calls me to welcome people into the family.
Ezekiel 47:21-22
“So shall you divide this land among you according to the tribes of Israel. You shall allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the sojourners who reside among you and have had children among you. They shall be to you as native-born children of Israel. With you they shall be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel.”
Although God’s people were to be holy and distinct from the nations around them, God didn’t want them to have a superior or clique-ish attitude. Not only were they to welcome foreigners and immigrants into their land, they were specifically commanded to welcome them into the family! They were not merely to show hospitality to others as guests: they were to welcome them into their lives and their community.
Letting someone into my life is risky business. As long as they are a guest, I can keep strict boundaries in place: guests don’t get to wander in and out of my home unsupervised, or dig through my pantry. They don’t get to stay for indefinite periods of time. But when I let someone into my life, those boundaries change. I still have boundaries, but now that person is part of the family, and they have all of the rights and privileges that go with being part of the family. They also have far greater ability to cause me frustration and pain. It’s far simpler and safer to merely be hospitable to people as guests–but God calls me to welcome people into the family.
In the kingdom of God, it’s easy to welcome people as guests and visitors: “Here’s where you can put your jacket and slippers until you leave, and the bathroom is down the hall.” …but it’s different to welcome them in as part of our future and our family. That requires accepting their issues and baggage, and letting them share the inheritance. It means giving them ownership, not just an open door.
Today I choose to open my heart to allow people in–not just as guests, but as family.
God, thank you for welcoming me into your family! Give me courage and wisdom to welcome others as you have welcomed me, so that your family would grow as you desire. May the halls of your house show the marks and mess of a growing family, instead of the sterile spotlessness of a museum exhibit!
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