There is a great and eternal reward set before me in Christ! It is worth the discipline, and worth the discomfort of the training process. It is worth the cost of anything that must be endured or given up in the pursuit of God’s best for me. Today I choose to take a look at what I’m carrying– It may be time to set down some weights!




Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.


We are called by God to endure specific trials, strain, and tests of endurance in the pursuit of the reward which He has set before us. This is a process of discipline and strengthening, so that we would be strengthened, and learn what is harmful and what is helpful on the journey. Not everything is a question of ‘sin’! Some things are simply dead weight which must be cast off in order to run with endurance.


Weights are not all bad, at the right time. The proper application of the right weights during training will build muscle mass, so that higher performance can be achieved when it’s time to go. But weights must be set down, when it’s time to run the race!

What are the weights which I need to cast off from my life this week? What are the things that aren’t necessarily a question of right and wrong, but simply are a hindrance and drain on my time? What are the things that may have played a helpful role in my life during the previous season, but which will drag me down and sap my strength in the race today?

There is a great and eternal reward set before me in Christ! It is worth the discipline, and worth the discomfort of the training process. It is worth the cost of anything that must be endured or given up in the pursuit of God’s best for me!

Today I choose to take a look at what I’m carrying. It may be time to set down some weights!


God, thank you for this inspiration to start my day! Help me to understand my current season so that I wouldn’t cling to weights which may have served a useful purpose at one time, but which have become a hindrance now in my race. I want to run with endurance for your glory!


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