I need to make sure that I’m seeking success on God’s terms, and not based on my own self-serving ideas. The result probably won’t look anything like I would have expected or chosen…but it will look exactly as God intends for it to look.
Genesis 39:2
The LORD was with Joseph, and he became a successful man, and he was in the house of his Egyptian master.
Joseph was a slave…and he was successful. Joseph was not free to pursue his own desires and dreams…and he was successful. He had been betrayed by those closest to him…and he was successful. He had been forcibly taken from his family and culture…and he was successful.
God’s measure of success doesn’t look like mine. I have my own criteria for success, which usually centers on one main thing: me. My possessions. My freedom. My options in life. My ideas. My dreams.
Joseph had none of those things–and yet, God said he was successful. Why? Because he was fulfilling the role that God needed him to play, and he was faithfully doing the best that he could to honor God with the resources he was given. His success was God-focused, not self-focused.
This week, I need to calibrate my tape measure to the one that God uses. I need to make sure that I’m seeking success on His terms, and not based on my own self-serving ideas. The result probably won’t look anything like I would have expected or chosen…but it will look exactly as God intends for it to look.
God, thank you for this recalibration for my heart! Help me to gauge success by your standard, and not by my own ideas. May you be glorified in my life as you accomplish your plans in and through me.
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