The Gospel of Jesus Christ is urgent. Eternity is at stake, and our time to make a difference in people’s lives is limited!

Ezekiel 4:16-17
“He then said to me: “Son of man, I am about to cut off the food supply in Jerusalem. The people will eat rationed food in anxiety and drink rationed water in despair, for food and water will be scarce. They will be appalled at the sight of each other and will waste away because of their sin.” 
Ezekiel had a shocking and deeply offensive message to deliver to God’s people. They were about to be judged by God, because they had turned their back on Him. The message was shocking and offensive, and it could not be delivered in a gentle and positive way. God’s love for His people wanted them to return to Him, and they needed to be shocked out of their status quo. The message that Ezekiel delivered wasn’t shocking and offensive just because the prophet felt like being shocking and offensive–he delivered the message that God had instructed him to deliver, in the way that God told him to deliver it.  
There is a time for pleasant conversation and friendly dialogue–and there is a time to bluntly communicate urgent truth even if someone gets their feelings hurt. When life and death are on the line, the urgency of the situation demands that truth be valued more than eloquence.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is urgent. Eternity is at stake, and our time to make a difference in people’s lives is limited! I must remember the critical importance of the message, in order to communicate it with appropriate urgency. 
God, help me to feel the urgency of sharing your Good News with the world! Thank you for caring enough about me, to shake me out of my complacency when necessary. When blunt and urgent communication is needed, help me to communicate with your heart 

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