God is a God of truth, so my life must be built on truth if I hope to fulfill the purpose for which he created me. This week, I pray for wisdom to recognize when I am operating on assumptions so that my own pre-formed opinions would not prevent me from fulfilling that which God desires to do through me.
Job 4:6-8
6 Is not your fear of God your confidence, and the integrity of your ways your hope? 7 “Remember: who that was innocent ever perished? Or where were the upright cut off? 8 As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same.
Job’s friend Eliphaz started off well, reminding Job of what a comfort Job had been to others in his life. But then Eliphaz’ assumptions turned things in a less helpful direction: “What, Job–did you really think you were more righteous than all those other people you’ve encouraged? Everyone knows bad things don’t happen to good people, so clearly you’ve brought this on yourself somehow!”
The assumptions that Eliphaz had already formed, prevented him from being the comfort that Job needed in that moment.
Assumptions are dangerous. The problem is, it’s not easy to recognize when I’m operating on assumptions. Everything that I believe makes sense to my own mind…so how do I know if the basis for my beliefs are actually assumptions that I’ve made?
The only way is to slow down and ask God to help me see clearly. I must be willing to let go of my perspectives and conclusions, when the true facts of the situation contradict the opinion I’ve formed.
God is a God of truth, so my life must be built on truth if I hope to fulfill the purpose for which he created me. This week, I pray for wisdom to recognize when I am operating on assumptions, so that my own pre-formed opinions would not prevent me from fulfilling that which God desires to do through me.
God, please forgive me for hastily-formed assumptions. Help me to see things clearly this week, so that I could walk in your truth and accomplish that which you’ve called me to do. Help me to look for the best in people, instead of instinctively expecting the worst.
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