This week, I choose to clean out the clutter in my heart and in my life so that God can freely use me as He sees fit, to accomplish His plans and purposes.




2 Chronicles 29:33-34

33 And the consecrated offerings were 600 bulls and 3,000 sheep. 34 But the priests were too few and could not flay all the burnt offerings, so until other priests had consecrated themselves, their brothers the Levites helped them, until the work was finished—for the Levites were more upright in heart than the priests in consecrating themselves.


Hezekiah had instructed the Levites and the priests to consecrate (purify, or ‘set apart’) themselves and the house of God. This process was not only ceremonial: It was also physical. The rituals and ceremonies had to be followed, but there was also the practical work of cleaning out all of the filth and trash that had accumulated in the house of God.

The priests complied…to a certain degree. But the Levites took Hezekiah’s instruction to heart, and went above and beyond. They not only consecrated enough to handle their own duties…they consecrated enough of them to also handle the tasks that the priests could not keep up with.


What a beautiful example of heart-first service to God! Since the Levites consecrated themselves wholeheartedly instead of half-heartedly, they had enough margin in their lives to step up to the plate when duty called. They had done everything they knew to do, to be ready when God called.

I want to have a heart like that! Not half-heartedly doing the bare minimum that I can get away with…but preparing myself in every way that I can, to be ready when God says ‘Go!’ When I serve God that way, he can use me in new and unexpected ways. When I prepare my heart that way, I have enough margin in my life to be there for a brother or a sister who needs help and encouragement. When I prepare my heart that way…God will be glorified.

This week, I choose to clean out the clutter in my heart and in my life–so that God can freely use me as He sees fit, to accomplish His plans and purposes.


God, I choose today to consecrate myself to you. Wash me in your blood, and give me the courage to clear out any spiritual ‘dust bunnies’ that have accumulated in my heart so that you can use me in any way that you desire. I want you to be glorified in me!


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