I don’t want to become so focused on the enjoyment of my freedom that I allow it to separate me from the very source of the freedom that I have! Instead of using my freedom merely to pursue what I desire, I must instead use my freedom to pursue the fulfillment...
I want to know my need of God, so that I could experience his cleansing and transformational power. ============= Scripture Isaiah 6:1,5 “In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe...
My social media metrics, my finely-tuned Call of Duty reflexes, and my secret recipe for smoked beef brisket are tools to be used in connecting people with God–but alone, they hold no eternal value. Today I choose to pursue success in eternal things, rather than...
It’s God’s job to bring people to repentance–but it’s my responsibility not to allow my own heart to become infected with corrosiveness around me. ============================ Scripture Titus 3:10 “As for a person who stirs up...
I don’t want to live my life my own sinful way, begging periodically for God’s mercy. I want to live a life of true repentance, and align my heart with the Father. I want to experience the full measure of His blessing, and walk in His favor....
It’s easy to focus my attention on what I think I lack– but what has God already placed in my hands? What resources has He already entrusted to me, that I have disregarded as ‘too small’, or ‘too insignificant’? It could be that I...