Welcoming His Presence

Welcoming His Presence

I cannot expect His ‘presents’ if I reject His ‘presence’.  =========================== ScriptureJohn 5:37-40″And the Father who sent me has himself born witness about me. His voice you have never heard, his form you have never seen,...
The Honest Truth

The Honest Truth

The power of the savior speaks for itself. His story needs no embellishment, no enhancement, no revision…but simply the honest conviction of a heart transformed. ====================== Scripture2 Peter 1:16″For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when...
Our Glorious God

Our Glorious God

God does not hide His actions or His majesty; rather He proclaims His identity and presence throughout all of time and all of creation so that we would be witnesses of Him. ================================ ScriptureIsaiah 43:10-13 “You are my witnesses,” declares...


The wealth and trappings of this world become as perishable as a pack of Costco romaine lettuce when viewed next to eternity. =========================== Scripture1 Peter 1:17-19″Since you call on a Father who judges each person’s work impartially, live...
Unity and Accountability

Unity and Accountability

Unified purpose and mutual accountability open the door for Kingdom growth. ================== Scripture 2 Chronicles 29:34″But the priests were too few and could not flay all the burnt offerings, so until other priests had consecrated themselves, their...
Source and Supply

Source and Supply

I have no lack of clean water to fill my heart, I only need to choose to make use of it. =========================== ScriptureJames 3:9-11″With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s...