Who, not Where

Who, not Where

Jesus didn’t stand on the foundation of his birthplace, his family’s reputation, his social status, or his community connections. He stood on the certainty that he had been sent by the Father, to perform a very specific mission. ========================...
Mercy Wins

Mercy Wins

When I remember the depth of God’s grace toward me, how could I ever hold a grudge against someone for the small ways that they have wronged me? His grace has triumphed over judgement in my own life–and grace still triumphs over judgement, as I let His...
Proven Faith

Proven Faith

The strength of my faith is revealed not when I get what I want–but rather when I trust God even though the situation looks hopeless. ============= ScriptureHebrews 11:13″These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen...


We all start out as infants in the family, but God’s desire is that we would choose to grow instead of remaining an infant forever. ================================== ScriptureHebrews 5:14″But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers...
Stable, Steadfast, Unshifting

Stable, Steadfast, Unshifting

Spiritual health in Christ comes from a daily walk that is stable, steadfast, and unshifting–not rising and falling with the tides of impulse and emotion. This steady, daily walk with Christ is where his transformation takes place day by day in my heart....
The Most Important Thing

The Most Important Thing

Tension and conflict in the Body should not be ignored, but neither should they be allowed to cause catastrophic division within the Church. The most important thing is that Christ is proclaimed! ======================= ScripturePhilippians 1:15-18Some indeed preach...