The River of Life

The River of Life

God’s river is limitless in its capacity to provide what I need. The only restriction is on how much of the current I allow to flow through me to those who need to experience his abundant life. ======================== Scripture Ezekiel 47:10-11 10 Fishermen...
That’s Not The Devil In The Details

That’s Not The Devil In The Details

Worshiping God often involves communication and planning as much as it involves sacrifices and altars. Our worship was not intended to be a solo sport–it was intended to involve every one of us glorifying God as only we can, in unity together. This kind of...
Seeking God

Seeking God

Knowing that God is my help is not enough: I must ‘seek God’. I must invest time in discovering his heart, and in finding His intentions and motivations. I must be bold to carry my dilemmas and problems to him, and ask my Father to help me. His help and...
The Lamb is Worthy!

The Lamb is Worthy!

Because of his sacrifice, Christ has declared us righteous and holy before God…no longer controlled by godlessness, but now priests to God, and walking in His authority on earth! Truly, He is worthy to be praised! ======================= Scripture Revelation...
Speak Life!

Speak Life!

I want to let God use me to speak life into those around me. Not by avoiding difficult conversations, but by speaking life where death has begun to take root. ========================== Scripture Revelation 3:1-2 “And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: ‘The...
When God Gives You a Hard Head

When God Gives You a Hard Head

God has designed me exactly the way he wants me, to carry out the purpose for which he created me. As long as my heart is fully surrendered to him, then he will be glorified even through those aspects of me which cause me frustration when I look in the mirror....