Not Just About Me

Not Just About Me

My walk with God is not just about me: It’s about giving God my all, so that He can fully use me for His purpose in the lives of those around me. This week, I choose to love my family well by walking in full surrender to my God. ==========================...
Passing the Final Inspection

Passing the Final Inspection

That which is built of spirit and truth will survive, but that which is built of man’s wisdom and effort cannot last. ================================== Scripture 1 Corinthians 3:12-13 “Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious...
Hearing and Listening

Hearing and Listening

Elihu’s lack of compassion turned what should have been a time to offer comfort and encouragement to Job, into a chance to vent his own anger and frustration. ===================== Scripture Job 32:18-20 18 For I am full of words; the spirit within me constrains...
What’s in it for me?

What’s in it for me?

The blunt truth that Job points toward, is that it doesn’t matter what a person may ‘get out of it’…the almighty God of the universe deserves obedience and surrender simply by virtue of who he is. ==================== Scripture Job 21:15 What...
Dangerous Assumptions

Dangerous Assumptions

God is a God of truth, so my life must be built on truth if I hope to fulfill the purpose for which he created me. This week, I pray for wisdom to recognize when I am operating on assumptions so that my own pre-formed opinions would not prevent me from fulfilling that...
Not My Job?

Not My Job?

Some issues are my problem, but not my calling. I shouldn’t ignore them, but nor can I devote all of my attention to solving them. So this week, I choose to engage my heart when issues arise. I choose to reject the ‘not my problem’ mindset, and...