Knowledge and Love

Knowledge and Love

The greatest amount of knowledge can leave a situation completely unchanged for the better…but the smallest amount of love will inevitably make its mark on the world around it. ===================== Scripture Luke 20:45-47 45 And in the hearing of all the people...


There are tasks to be done, and calendars to manage. There are responsibilities to juggle, and emergencies to deal with. But none of them hold a candle to the importance of keeping my attention fixed on the eternity before me when this life ends....
Don’t Lose Heart

Don’t Lose Heart

Discouragement is to be expected, but not accepted. The solution is not to stop praying, but rather to press on in prayer until a response from God is received. =========================== Scripture Luke 18:1 “And he told them a parable to the effect that they...


God built me for community–to live in community, grow in community, and serve in community. I have a responsibility to fulfill the community role for which I was created–not just looking out for my own happiness and gratification, but also for the health...
Defining Success

Defining Success

I need to make sure that I’m seeking success on God’s terms, and not based on my own self-serving ideas. The result probably won’t look anything like I would have expected or chosen…but it will look exactly as God intends for it to look....
The Decision to Worship

The Decision to Worship

I can’t wait until my issues are solved, in order to give God my worship–rather, I must make the decision today in the middle of the uncertainty and struggle…to worship him. He is worthy of my worship, and he will show himself strong in my life to...