Whether in boldness or restraint, Paul’s objective was that people experience more of God–and he didn’t let his own ego and desire to be ‘right’, derail what God was wanting to accomplish.
Acts 19:2,9
2 And he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And they said, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.”
9 But when some became stubborn and continued in unbelief, speaking evil of the Way before the congregation, he withdrew from them and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Tyrannus.
Paul displayed an amazing blend of boldness and restraint. When he had an opportunity to speak further truth into the believers at Corinth, he boldly addressed some gaps in their spiritual understanding–with the result that they were filled with the Spirit and experienced more of God’s power. Yet when some of them became stubborn and resistant to Paul’s teaching, he backed off and didn’t become contentious or argumentative with them–with the result that God’s word was shared throughout the Roman province of Asia.
Whether in boldness or restraint, Paul’s objective was that people experience more of God–and he didn’t let his own ego and desire to be ‘right’, derail what God was wanting to accomplish.
I have so far to go on finding this balance! The courage to be bold, with the humility to gracefully accept rejection–that’s a learning curve which I must daily pursue. I can’t accomplish Christ’s purpose in me if I simply sit back to passively watch the world around me–I must be fully engaged, bold, and confident. Yet when people reject the truth that I speak, I must be just as ready to handle rejection in a Christ-honoring way. My job is to speak truth in love–his job is to convict, redeem, and transform hearts.
When I find myself becoming pushy, aggressive, argumentative, or defensive, I must ask myself “Why?”
This kind of a reaction in my heart usually indicates that I’ve begun to overstep the role that God has called me to play…and I need to take a step back and let Him be the Lord in the situation.
This week, I pray for boldness to speak truth…and humility to gracefully accept rejection.
God, thank you for the strength and courage you give me, to live boldly for you! Help me to never slip into a mindset of passive observation of the world around me. You created me for a purpose, to speak your truth and to share your Good News! When people reject the truth that I speak, help me to handle it gracefully instead of becoming argumentative. I invite you to be the Lord, and to take your rightful place in my life. May all that I say and do result in hearts being drawn to you, and in your name being glorified!

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