David didn’t let those around him drag him down to their level-rather, he elevated them to a higher level, to fulfill a purpose greater than they could currently glimpse.

1 Samuel 22:2a
“All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander.” 
Birds of a feather flock together. David was on the run from Saul, and all the malcontents in the kingdom came flocking to him–certain they had found a kindred spirit. David didn’t stop them, but neither did he become one of them. David instead became their “commander”, and transformed this motley crew of misfits into a lean, mean, loyal fighting force. David didn’t let those around him drag him down to their level-rather, he elevated them to a higher level, to fulfill a purpose greater than they could currently glimpse. 
I don’t control who will align with me and walk with me–nor do I control their assumptions and suspicions about me. The only thing I control…is me.
If I allow it, those around me can affect my heart with their own discontent, debt, and baggage–but if I keep my eyes fixed on Christ, he can use me to elevate those around me–and bring them to a greater purpose.
My job is not to judge them or join them–but rather to inspire them to grow forward in God. 
God, thank you for the growth you’ve brought to my life-and for your patience with me as I continue to grow. Help me to daily keep my eyes on you, and allow you to work through me to encourage growth in those around me. 

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