Jesus tells me to expect hardship, but he warns me to keep a right perspective. When facing the fire, I am not there merely to suffer: I am there to shine brightly for my King!
Mark 13:9
“Be on your guard. For they will deliver you over to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them.”
All of these uncomfortable and challenging things can be expected to happen, according to Jesus. Persecution, opposition, inquisition…all of it is going to take place for a specific reason: for the church of God to carry Christ’s light, into dark places. Jesus said to be ‘on our guard’: not in thinking that we can avoid hardship, but rather that we would not miss the opportunity to be a witness.
Perspective changes the whole situation. Perspective makes the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity, between a problem and a possibility. Jesus tells me to expect hardship, but he warns me to keep a right perspective. When facing the fire, I am not there merely to suffer: I am there to shine brightly for my King!
God, help me to be on guard not to miss an opportunity to testify to your greatness. Even when the situation feels adverse, and even when I am facing hardship, may my perspective allow me to see (and seize) every opportunity to point the world to you!

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