Joy In The Testing

Joy In The Testing

The testing of faith is an opportunity for rejoicing–not because the test is a joyful thing, but because genuine and well-placed faith will result in a revelation of Jesus Christ when tested. His presence is revealed not by an absence of trial…but by his...
The One Who Fights For Me

The One Who Fights For Me

My enemy roams like a roaring lion…but the Lamb of God fights on my behalf. My enemy is the destroyer…but the Creator fights on my behalf. My enemy is the father of lies…but He who is truth fights on my behalf! ==============================  ...


This week, I choose to clean out the clutter in my heart and in my life so that God can freely use me as He sees fit, to accomplish His plans and purposes. ================================   Scripture 2 Chronicles 29:33-34 33 And the consecrated offerings were...
No More Bystander

No More Bystander

I don’t want to be among the nameless crowd who knows something is amiss, but waits for someone else to be brave enough to speak up. I would rather be an Azariah: willing to be personally inconvenienced. I want to be a Berechiah, willing to stand out awkwardly...
The Shock Absorbers

The Shock Absorbers

I’ve heard it said that ‘leaders are the shock absorbers of an organization’. The storms will blow, the sun will beat down harshly, the desert will dry up the water–but the princes (or leaders) consistently operate as a shelter and a protection...