The King Is On His Throne

The King Is On His Throne

God is sovereign, and will fulfill His purposes—no matter what is permitted or tolerated by culture. ==================== Scripture Esther 1:15 “According to the law, what is to be done to Vashti, because she has not performed the command of King Ahaseurus...
The Comparison Game

The Comparison Game

I choose to celebrate what God is doing–not only in my life, but in the lives of those around me. I choose to celebrate each outpouring of his spirit, each overflow of his provision and blessing, each example of his goodness…instead of playing the...
Questioning Questions

Questioning Questions

Jesus didn’t feel the need to constantly speak–he was very comfortable listening, and used skillful questions to nudge people toward the truth and reveal their hearts. ============================= Scripture Luke 10:25-26 “And behold, a lawyer stood...
Wasted Time?

Wasted Time?

Hard work is a great thing–but ‘anxious toil’ shows a lack of faith in God. God doesn’t promise that every season will be easy, but he gives rest to those he loves. ==================== Scripture Psalm 127:2 It is in vain that you rise up early...
Celebrating, or Sobbing?

Celebrating, or Sobbing?

I don’t want to ever find myself grieving for the past, when I should be celebrating what God is doing in the present. I don’t ever want to forget that God’s presence is the thing worth celebrating–not merely the method that he has used for...